Aztec Fluids & Machinery.
Equipments detail
Equipment: Six Color Indoor Inkjet Printers
Equipment Type: Packaging Equipment -> Others
Unit Type: Photon X9000
Technical Parameters:
Post Time: 2010-08-06
Main Features:
Description: Photon X9000 wide format indoor inkjet printers give you the highest speed, reliabiliy, ink stability, performance and economy. The inkjet printers are manufactured in India meaning 100% spare and service support coupled with excellent reliability. Aztec Fluids has made a technology transfer possible and is the first company in India to manufacture its own wide format indoor inkjet printers. With speeds up to 20.5 sq. met/hour it makes Photon X9000 the fastest printer of its kind. The printer uses pigment based inks which provide much better colour stability vis-a-vis dye based inks. The printer can print up to a resolution of 1200 dpi. The maximum print width obtained is 60 inches.
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